#1 NotificationsA single place which combined all of your notifcations. iPhone, iPad, iPod touch. Swipe finger down from the top.
Swiping across any notification on the lock screen puts you directly in that application.

#2 NewsstandNewsstand is a unified place in the app store where all subscription magazines are placed; download any of them, and they're placed in the newsstand app. Also, each subscription app will do background downloads.

#3 Twitter"We want to make it even easier for all our customers to use Twitter in our iOS products." - Steve Jobs.
Now single sign-on. Any app you download, it will just ask you for twitter credential permission. No need to re login.
We've included it in many of our apps - like camera and photos. You can tweet articles from safari, videos from Youtube, etc. It's all in there pretty deep.

#4 SafariReading List. easy way to read a story later. Syncs with all iOS devices and Safari on Mac and Windows. (like Instapaper)
Tab Browsing support... FINALLY

#5 RemindersApple states - "You can store dates... and, this is really cool, locations"
"You can set a reminder that says 'Remind me to call my wife when I leave the convention center today'"

#6 CameraUse volume up button to take a photo now!
You can now pinch to zoom within camera
You can also now edit photos (cropping, rotating, red eye reduction) right on iPhone or iPad.

#7 MailRevamped completely with a new look. Even better, adding rich-text formatting. Control indentation. Draggable addresses. Support for flagging. Search entire message (entire contents).
New variant of the keyboard. Split the keyboard to type with thumbs.

#8 PC FreeSet up and activate device right on the device. And you're ready to go. It's that easy. Software updates are now over the air... no wires, no cables, no hassle.
No need to plug-in just to update. And they're now Delta updates. You don't download whole OS - just what has changed.

#9 Game CenterAdding photos. Compare yourself to friends with achievements points. See friend of friends. And get recommended friends. And game recommendations. Purchase and download right from Game Center.

#10 iMessageApple's own free messagging serving between all iOS devices. Text, photos, videos, contacts -- everything you've come to expect. and delivery receipts. option read receipts. typing indications.
works over 3G and WiFi. Everything sent encrypted.

"These are just TEN of the features in iOS 5. There are over 200!". Check them out here.